Why KubeSphere?
Transform your business and unlock possibilities with custom cloud-native portfolios.
Mature ecosystem
Over 10 years of experience
Technical support
Active clusters
Over 80,000 clusters are running and maintained on KubeSphere.
GitHub Stars
KubeSphere wins global users from more than 100 countries and regions, with over 10,000 GitHub stars.
With over 1,000,000 downloads, KubeSphere is the next most popular open source container platform worldwide.
Transform your business and unlock possibilities with custom cloud-native portfolios.
Enterprise customers
Tens of thousands of enterprises apply KubeSphere to production environments.
Enterprise customers
Offer solutions for hundreds of enterprises in all industries, from finance, energy, to public sectors.

Our cloud-native product family
On top of KubeSphere, we offer a comprehensive set of end-to-end services, from KubeSphere Virtualization (KSV) to KubeSphere Cloud, to help you transform to cloud native and innovate business.
Digitalize your business
KubeSphere Enterprise
KubeSphere Enterprise (KSE) 4.1 is a new cloud-native operating system built by QingCloud Technologies, which has extraordinary epoch-making significance for KubeSphere. Based on the open and extensible architecture of KubeSphere LuBan, KubeSphere Enterprise 4.1 can easily achieve upstream and downstream linkage of applications, integrate various high-quality extensions from KubeSphere Marketplace anytime, and provide seamless business capabilities and highly consistent product experience.

KubeSphere Virtualization
VM Management Platform
KSV is a lightweight VM management platform built on top of Kubernetes and supports deployment in single-node and multi-node modes. To meet various business needs, KSV enables service self-healing, auto scaling, and flexible scheduling.
KubeSphere Cloud
Platform for cloud-native apps
KubeSphere Cloud is a one-stop SaaS with high quality standards, offering a range of cloud-native services such as KubeSphere Backup, KubeSphere Inspector, and KubeSphere Lite.
Cloud-native databases
RadonDB DMP is an enterprise-grade cloud-native database management platform that supports major database engines such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, and MongoDB. The goal is to solve issues in database deployment and management across clouds and help enterprises adopt hybrid clouds.
Case study
Tens of thousands of enterprises have adopted our KubeSphere cloud-native product family in production.
How we contribute to open source
We work in an open source development model and exchange ideas with community members and developers.
On top of Kubernetes, KubeSphere is an open source container platform offering an intuitive web console friendly to O&M personnel, with the goal to simplify DevOps workflows and enable full-stack automated O&M. Tens of thousands of global enterprises have adopted KubeSphere in their production environments.
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OpenFunction is a cloud-native open source FaaS platform that allows you to focus on your business logic without having to maintain the underlying runtime environment and infrastructure. You can concentrate on developing business-related source code in the form of functions. In April 2022, OpenFunction was accepted to CNCF and is at the sandbox project maturity level.
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OpenELB is a load balancer for bare metals, edge devices, and private environments. It serves as a load balancing extension for Kubernetes, K3s, and KubeSphere to expose LoadBalancer services outside the cluster.
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Powered by QingCloud, KubeSphere has joined CNCF and Linux Foundation, with the goal to contribute more to open source container technology.